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Monday, April 13, 2009

Roger The Tool's Latest Idiocy

Ed Lasky has a nice piece today on Roger The Tool:

"Roger Cohen's serial work on behalf of an Iranian regime widely considered the number one sponsor of terror in the world (so designated by President Clinton, before the "axis of evil days") is becoming tiresome.

Today, he serves as a mouthpiece not just for Iran but for the feckless Mohammed El-Baradei, the outgoing head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. El-Baradei and Cohen blame George Bush's treatment of Iran for prompting it to develop its nuclear weapons program. This is absurd, of course.

Iran's nuclear program began at least two decades ago."

It's hard for me to figure exactly what Cohen is:
a. A stupid ostrich
b. A self-loathing Jew
c. A secret lobbyist for Iran
d. Just another NY Times reporter

Well, for sure, he's dangerous for Israel.


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