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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Obama Demotes the Jews

Edward Alexander has a great piece. in Commentary...

In his inaugural address President Obama jettisoned the long-established locution that embodies the generally-accepted notion of "the Judeo-Christian tradition." That tradition, in America, mandates the phrase "Christians and Jews," with Christians in first place for the good reason that the roots of this country and most of those who founded it are Christian. Obama, however, said on January 20 that "We are a nation of Christians and Muslims," and then, after a slight pause, "Jews and Hindus," another slight pause, "and unbelievers." Later, in his Al-arabiya interview, he demoted the Jews still further, calling America a country of "Muslims, Christians, Jews." Obama's actions (and inactions) with respect to Jewish concerns suggest that this demotion is real and not merely verbal.

He concludes with something I can't top:

James Baker once, with typical nastiness, alluded to it when he responded to expressions of American-Jewish unhappiness with his Middle East policies as follows: "F- the Jews, they don't vote for us anyway." Now Barack Obama seems to be saying: "F- the Jews, they always vote for us anyway."

Read the full piece here.

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