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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Harsh Reality re Arab Public Opinion and Israel's Right to Exist

As Obama rushes to orchestrate a two-state solution with terrorists, Tony Blankley reminds us of a poll taken earlier this decade...

"Which statement comes closest to your opinion? 1) A way can be found for the state of Israel to exist so that the rights and needs of the Palestinian people are taken care of OR, 2) the rights and needs of the Palestinian people cannot be taken care of as long as the state of Israel exists?"

• United States: 1) 67 percent, 2) 12 percent.
• France: 1) 82 percent, 2) 16 percent.
• Germany: 1) 80 percent, 2) 11 percent.
• Sweden: 1) 65 percent, 2) 12 percent.
• Britain: 1) 60 percent, 2) 12 percent.
• Israel: 1) 61 percent, 2) 31 percent.
• Morocco: 1) 23 percent, 2) 47 percent.
• Kuwait: 1) 21 percent, 2) 73 percent.
• Egypt: 1) 18 percent, 2) 80 percent.
• Jordan: 1) 17 percent, 2) 78 percent.
• Palestinian territories: 1) 16 percent, 2) 77 percent.

Read the rest.

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