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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Old Jews Telling Jokes

Just ordinary people telling jokes. Very cute.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Seder With Brando and Dylan

Louis Kemp writes:

I will never forget the sight of our table in the synagogue, Marlon Brando was to my left and sitting next to him was his guest. This was during the height of Marlon’s involvement with Native American causes and he had brought with him noted Indian activist Dennis Banks of Wounded Knee fame. Banks was dressed in full Indian regalia: buckskin tassles on his clothes and long braids hanging down from a headband, which sported a feather. My childhood friend Bob Dylan sat to my right joined by his wife, my sister Sharon and other friends.

Read the rest.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Harsh Reality re Arab Public Opinion and Israel's Right to Exist

As Obama rushes to orchestrate a two-state solution with terrorists, Tony Blankley reminds us of a poll taken earlier this decade...

"Which statement comes closest to your opinion? 1) A way can be found for the state of Israel to exist so that the rights and needs of the Palestinian people are taken care of OR, 2) the rights and needs of the Palestinian people cannot be taken care of as long as the state of Israel exists?"

• United States: 1) 67 percent, 2) 12 percent.
• France: 1) 82 percent, 2) 16 percent.
• Germany: 1) 80 percent, 2) 11 percent.
• Sweden: 1) 65 percent, 2) 12 percent.
• Britain: 1) 60 percent, 2) 12 percent.
• Israel: 1) 61 percent, 2) 31 percent.
• Morocco: 1) 23 percent, 2) 47 percent.
• Kuwait: 1) 21 percent, 2) 73 percent.
• Egypt: 1) 18 percent, 2) 80 percent.
• Jordan: 1) 17 percent, 2) 78 percent.
• Palestinian territories: 1) 16 percent, 2) 77 percent.

Read the rest.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Holocaust Rap

In Hebrew, with English subtitles. Very different.

Iranian "Scholar" Says Tom & Jerry is a Jewish Conspiracy

His ludicrous logic illustrates the depths to which Iranian culture has fallen.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Meet the Israelis

Source unknown (a few exaggerations in here, but mostly true)...

Israel is the only country in the world where one need not check the ingredients on the products in the supermarket to avoid ending up with things containing pork.

Israel is a country where the same drivers who cuss you and flip you the bird will immediately pull over and offer you all forms of help if you look like you need it.

Israel is the only country in the world with bus drivers and taxi drivers who read Spinoza and Maimonides.

Israel is the only country in the world where no one cares what rules say when an important goal can be achieved by bending them.

Israel is the only country in the world where reservists are bossed around and commanded by officers, male and female, younger than their own children.

Israel is the only country in the world where "small talk" consists of loud, angry debate over politics and religion.

Israel is the only country in the world where the coffee is already so good that Starbucks went bankrupt trying to break into the local market.

Israel is one of the few places in the world where the sun sets into the Mediterranean Sea.

Israel is the only country in the world whose soldiers eat three sets of salads a day, none of which contain any lettuce (which is not really a food), and where olives ARE a food and even a main course in a meal, rather than something one tosses into a martini.

Israel is the only country in the world where one is unlikely to be able to dig a cellar without hitting ancient archeological artifacts.

Israel is the only country in the world where the leading writers in the country take buses.

Israel is the only country in the world where the graffiti is in Hebrew.

Israel is the only country in the world where the "black folks" walking around all wear yarmulkes.

Israel is the only country in the world that has a National Book Week, during which almost everyone attends a book fair and buys books.

Israel is the only country in the world where the ultra-Orthodox Jews beat up the police and not the other way around.

Israel is the only country in the world where inviting someone "out for a drink" means drinking cola, coffee or tea.

Israel is the only country in the world where bank robbers kiss the mezuzah as they leave with their loot.

Israel is one of the few countries in the world that truly likes and admires the United States.

Israel is the only country in the world that introduces applications of high-tech gadgets and devices, such as printers in banks that print out your statement on demand, years ahead of the United States and decades ahead of Europe.

Israel is the only country in the world that has the weather and landscape of California without the earthquakes.

Israel is the only country in the world where everyone on a flight gets to know one another before the plane lands. In many cases, they also get to know the pilot and all about his health or marital problems.

Israel is the only country in the world where no one has a foreign accent because everyone has a foreign accent.

Israel is the only country in the world where people cuss using dirty words in Russian or Arabic because Hebrew has never developed them.

Israel is the only country in the world where patients visiting physicians end up giving the doctor advice.

Israel is the only country in the world where everyone strikes up conversations while waiting in lines.

Israel is the only country in the world where people call an attache case a "James Bond" and the "@" sign is called a "strudel".

Israel is the only country in the world where there is the most mysterious and mystical calm ambience in the streets on Yom Kippur, which cannot be explained unless you have experienced it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

History Lessons Unheeded

Melanie Phillips at her best...

Palestinian statelessness was obviously uppermost in the minds of the Islamists who blew up Mumbai; it was obviously the reason they bombed Spain to help along the restoration of the caliphate and tried to do the same to France, that legendary ally of Israel; it's obviously the driving passion of the Chechen Islamist separatists; it's obviously the rallying cry of the Islamists in Indonesia who intend to Islamise southern Asia; it's obviously the reason Islamists are persecuting, murdering and driving out Christians across the Third World from Sudan and Nigeria to Bethlehem and Gaza.

For various reasons, however, this idiotic but deeply ideological analysis is now accepted by many non-ideological folk as axiomatic. They are all fixated by the delusion that a Palestine state is the key to peace between Israel and the Arabs. It is not.

Read the rest.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jewish Trivia Quizzes

Lots of different topics and levels. Nu, if you have some time to kill, you could do worse.

Click here for the quizzes.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blaming Jews for Muslim Terror Against Christians

In an article about Christian apprehensions over Pope Benedict's visit to the Middle East, Time's Andrew Lee Butters blames Muslim intolerance on the Jews and the West: "Clash-of-civilizations pundits and Western leaders like the Pope often ignore how the West helped spark such intolerance, especially through its one-sided support of Israel."

He goes on to imply that the Muslim Brotherhood, for one, isn’t ultimately responsible for “small-scale terror” against the Christians it carries out. It’s really Israel’s presence in the Palestinian territories that is behind it all.

Read the rest at Honest Reporting. As Menachim Begin once said, "Goyim kill goyim and then they blame the Jews."

Missing the ‘piece process’

Jonathan Rosenblum writes...

The message the Palestinians are hearing is: Just sit tight and we [the Americans] will get you your state, without you doing anything. The obsession with Israel's acceptance of the "two-state solution" is based on the assumption that the eventual outcome is known in advance, and it might as well be sooner than later. That is what the President means when he says that at some point the parties have to stop talking because we can't wait forever.

Read the rest.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More on Linking the Containment of Iran with Establishing a Palestinian State

Mona Charen writes a pointed essay...

Obama has sent abundant signals that his foreign policy is 50 percent wishful thinking and 50 percent leftwing mush. There may not be any easy answers to the problem of a nuclear Iran. But pressuring Israel to take suicidal risks is clearly the worst possible approach. Iran will conclude, as its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas at various times concluded, that force and the threat of force work.

Read the rest.

Is the Gray Lady Making Amends to Jews?

Dick Weltz looks at what might be a cynical marketing strategy of The NY Times...

Despite this long history [of anti-Jewish/Israel bias], it appears that the Gray Lady has lately taken to running articles that might be construed as designed to salve the feeling of the Jewish -- particularly Orthodox and Chasidic -- communities, among whom there may well have been a precipitous decline in support and circulation, at least, judging by the anecdotal evidence I see by comments in the Jewish Forum and from my personal friends and acquaintances.

Read the rest.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Seinfeld in Yiddish

'No Jews' policy employed at Austria hotel

A hotel in the Austrian region of Tyrol that said it does not accept Jewish guests has caused shock in the local media and tourism industry, the daily Tiroler Tageszeitung reported Sunday.

A Vienna family of seven had had tried to make a reservation at the Haus Sonnenhof apartment hotel in the village of Serfaus, but the owner replied by e-mail that although the room was free, she did not want to take in Jewish guests because of "bad experiences" in the past.

And here's the rest of the article. Some things never change.

Monday, May 11, 2009

An Arab-Made Misery

Wonderful essay...

The media tend to attribute Gaza's decline solely to Israeli military and economic actions against Hamas. But such a myopic analysis ignores the problem's root cause: 60 years of Arab policy aimed at cementing the Palestinian people's status as stateless refugees in order to use their suffering as a weapon against Israel.

Read the rest.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Charles Krauthammer, in his usual fine form...

The Times conducted a five-hour interview with Hamas leader Khaled Meshal at his Damascus headquarters. Mirabile dictum, they're offering a peace plan with a two-state solution. Except. The offer is not a peace but a truce that expires after 10 years. Meaning that after Israel has fatally weakened itself by settling millions of hostile Arab refugees in its midst, and after a decade of Hamas arming itself within a Palestinian state that narrows Israel to eight miles wide — Hamas restarts the war against a country it remains pledged to eradicate.

There is a phrase for such a peace: the peace of the grave.

Read the rest here (and you'll just love the opening).

Friday, May 8, 2009

Classic Palestinian Slapstick...and the world eats it up

The cartoon theme now and forever playing...

Yisrael Campbell, Orthodox Comedian

Interesting profile of a Catholic boy -- "I was Catholic enough to know I was going to hell." -- who converted and became an Orthodox Jew, complete with payess...and also a stand-up comedian. Read the profile here.

And here's a decide if he's funny.

Guardian Columnist Justifies Terror

From Honest Reporting:

[Jonathan] Steele not only justifies Palestinian violence, he also offers tacit support for foreign leaders who give it their backing:

Until Israel pulls back to the 1967 borders, give or take some land swaps, under international agreement, Palestinian resistance will continue – and other states will be entitled to support it.

Of course, Steele could just as reasonably have concluded that there can be no Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 border as long as “resistance” – a Palestinian term for terrorism – continues. But that would mean acknowledging that terrorism exists. Instead, Steele whitewashes Hamas’s record as a terrorist organization. “Now that Hamas is independent, strong and popular,” he writes, “Israel sees it as the new target.”

In other words, Israel acts against Hamas because it is popular, not because it fires rockets at Israeli civilians, smuggles weapons into the Gaza Strip, or threatens to destroy the Jewish state. He also fails to mention that Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 – a pullback to the 1967 border in that area – resulted in more violence against Israel, undermining his implicit claim that violence would stop if only Israel would withdraw.

The rest of this excellent article is here. It tackles what is becoming the rule rather than the exception in the mainstream press.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kosher Tequila

NEW YORK (UPI) -- A New York restaurant said the city's first kosher tequila arrived at the eatery just in time for Cinco de Mayo.

"You know the song 'Hava Nagila'? We're saying Have a Tequila," [the restaurant owner] said.

Restaurant serves kosher tequila - ArcaMax Publishing (7 May 2009)

Blaming Jews for the Economic Crisis

Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit conducted a survey of American attitudes toward the economy...

In order to assess explicit prejudice toward Jews, we directly asked respondents "How much to blame were the Jews for the financial crisis?" with responses falling under five categories: a great deal, a lot, a moderate amount, a little, not at all. Among non-Jewish respondents, a strikingly high 24.6 percent of Americans blamed "the Jews" a moderate amount or more, and 38.4 percent attributed at least some level of blame to the group.

Interestingly, Democrats were especially prone to blaming Jews: while 32 percent of Democrats accorded at least moderate blame, only 18.4 percent of Republicans did so (a statistically significant difference). This difference is somewhat surprising given the presumed higher degree of racial tolerance among liberals and the fact that Jews are a central part of the Democratic Party's electoral coalition.

Read the rest of the article in the Boston Review.

Jack Kemp and the Jews

Throughout his life, Mr. Kemp defied the old stereotype of conservatives who were indifferent to the concerns of racial or religious minorities.

As an American Football League star in 1965, he pressured the league to move its all-star game out of New Orleans because African-American players were excluded from the city's nightclubs. As secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1988 to 1992, he promoted projects to help disadvantaged inner-city residents. And in 2004, he played a leading role in a crucial fight against the rising tide of global anti-Semitism.

Read more.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oxymoronic Anti-Semitic Tactics

Anti-Semites long ago perfected the mental gymnastics of simultaneously holding contradictory calumnies and fervently believing both to be true: Jews are bloodsucking capitalists and Jews are wild-eyed revolutionaries; Jews are the secret puppeteers of the world and Jews are the parasites living off the labor of others.

To this roster of oxymorons, so cherished by the hateful, we may now add another. More and more, the rhetorical assault of choice against Israel, and by inference against Jews, is that they are Nazis.

Read the rest of this excellent and pointed opinion piece here.

Mahmoud Cancels L.A. Hate Tour

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad canceled his visit to Latin America one day after Jewish-led protests in Brazil. No reason was given for the cancellation, which was announced Monday by the Iranian news agency IRNA.
Finally, some good news, though I don't know how much Jewish protests had to do with it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If Only Those Jews Would Cooperate, World Peace Could Be Attained

Well, it's official. The issue of Iran's nukes hinges on Israel reaching an accord with the Palestinians. Next, we'll hear from this administration that the Israeli-Palestinian issue is causing the Iraqis to blow each other up.

The task of forming an international coalition to thwart Iran's nuclear program will be made easier if progress is made in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has said, according to sources in Washington.

Here's the rest.

Islamism is winning...

...and Obama's apologies to the Muslim world won't stop it. Caroline Glick points out that:

Islamists have won every free or partially free election in the region for the past six years. Beginning with Turkey's Islamist AKP party's first electoral victory in 2003 — followed by its even more decisive reelection in last year's race; moving to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's election in the relatively free, (although not open), presidential elections in his country in 2005, to the Muslim Brotherhood candidates' sweep of nearly all electoral races they were permitted to contest in Egypt's 2005 parliamentary elections, to Hamas's electoral victory in the Palestinian Authority's legislative elections in 2006, the Islamist candidates and parties have been victorious in state after state.

Here's the rest of the article.

Book Proposals

Here's a short, humorous satire on book proposals...

Excerpt: "The Boys and Girls on the Bus: Undercover with the Birthright Kids" — What really goes on during those 10-day, free trips to Israel for young people? And do you really want to know? I mean, isn't it enough that they're having a good time with other Jewish kids? So she fell in love with the sabra security guard — why complain? It's a phase. They all go through phases. What's that? He wants to come back with her to the States? Gevalt. Listen, tell her you're not going to help with the rent on her Upper West Side studio if he's going to use it to lounge around and pursue a cockamamie "music" career.

The rest of the article is here.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Death of Jewish Republicanism?

Arlen Specter, opportunist above all...

The strange journey of Arlen Specter from Democrat to Republican and back again to the Democrats is a story of one man's unbridled ambition and political expediency, not the tale of a party held hostage by the right.

Open Letter to Brazil's President

David Harris writes, in the Jerusalem Post:

Dear President Lula,


Why would such a respected world leader welcome an international outcast like Iranian President Ahmadinejad to Brasilia on May 6?

Why would you confer your considerable international legitimacy on such an individual - within weeks, no less, of a walkout by dozens of nations during Ahmadinejad's hate-filled speech in the halls of the UN in Geneva?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive

When you have some time, this is a wonderful resource, with over 400 films (many different lengths) available for viewing.

Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Jewish death camp boxer dead at 86

Salamo Arouch, a Jewish boxer who survived the Auschwitz death camp by fighting exhibition bouts for Nazi officers and inspired a Hollywood movie about his life, has died in Israel, the Haaretz newspaper reported Thursday.

Jewish Sports Hall of Fame Honors Andre Tippett

He doesn't look Jewish...

The image of a 6-foot-3-inch, 250-pound African-American football player doesn't typically bring to mind "Great Jewish Athlete." Andre Tippett, five-time All-Pro linebacker for the New England Patriots and National Football League Hall of Famer, is changing that.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Frummer With a Super Bowl Ring

Alan Veingrad won the Super Bowl as a member of the Dallas Cowboys; now he puts on T'fillin every morning.