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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brazilian bishop twists the Shoah

A Catholic archbishop in Brazil minimized the Holocaust and declared that Jews dominate the world media.

Dadeus Grings, the archbishop of Porto Alegre, declared that "more Catholics than Jews have died in the Holocaust, but this is not usually told because Jews own the world's propaganda."

He goes on to say that the major victims of the Holocaust were the Gypsies, not Jews. We'll have to see what the Pope says about this latest anti-Semitic bishop. And just by the way, I'm still waiting for my share of the profits from owning the world's media. --Max

Tarnish on the Star

"[Israel's] bright image is becoming severely tarnished according to the picture painted in a series of four consecutive New York Times articles," writes Dick Weltz, a frequent contributor to various publications.

This is just the latest episode in the NY Times' campaign to demonize Israel. They're such pros at it, even on the subtler points, such as framing the new government as "hawkish, right-wing."-- Max

Has Barton's Chocolate Melted Down?

Barton's chocolates, which have been a staple of Passover for many of us in the USA, may be going out of business, according to The Jewish Week. They haven't produced any chocolates for this Passover, and they've stopped taking online orders.

Is nothing sacred in this economy? What's next -- no Gold's Horseradish? If so, how will I clean out my sinuses?

Monday, March 30, 2009

20 Things To Do With Matzoh

Here's a cute little song with ideas on what to do with all that Matzoh you don't eat during Passover. You can catch it like a Frisbee, or use it as a license plate on your car, or...

(Personally, I know I must be getting old, because I'm actually starting to enjoy matzoh. Except for the constipation part.)

The Auschwitz Album

These are very compelling images. The Nazis in charge at Auschwitz made a visual record, much as you or I would take pictures of people we met on a vacation. Click here.

Jews of Rada Expected to Leave Yemen by Passover

You won't see much in the mainstream media about persecution and murders of Jews in Arab countries; it doesn't fit the party line. All you get are reports -- such the one by Ostrich Cohen in the NY Times -- about how good the Jews have it in Iran and other countries.

From Yeshiva World News...
With assistance by the US government and Jewish organizations in the US, 300 Jews living in Rada, Yemen are scheduled to emigrate by Pesach.

...In recent years the Jews of Rada, a city located north of the capital city of Sanaa, have been subject to frequent physical harassment by their Muslim neighbors and the threat to their lives is real. Since last December's murder of R' Moshe Yaish- Nahari Hy"d, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, by a local Muslim who insisted he convert to Islam, the US State Department has been in contact with the Yemenite government to ameliorate the situation.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Anti-Israel Brits Seek to Identify Israeli Goods...and lots more

From the Jerusalem Post...
British supermarkets are being pressed by critics of Israeli settlement policy to initiate a new labeling practice, whereby goods from Palestinian and Israeli producers are respectively marked as such, so that British consumers will know whether they are buying Israeli or Palestinian products.

...Furthermore, [pro-Israel] activists worry, the assiduous Israel-bashers who relentlessly press for academic and journalistic boycotts, who recently sought (and failed) to prevent seven Israeli university lecturers from giving talks to high school students at two British science museums, and who are now targeting settlement exports, will not stop at the Green Line. They will, rather, move on to seek a South African-style ban on all Israeli exports.

They're just chip, chip, chipping away at the legitimacy of Israel. --Max

Saturday, March 28, 2009

No Dogs, No Israelis

Some of the fine folks in Petra, Jordan, a popular tourist spot, have taken to posting signs designed to keep Jews out of their shops. Then, when their town suffers from a decline in tourism, they can blame Jews for that, too.